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Our Commitment 

Straight Forward, Honest Advice 

We believe in straight-talk, not spin. 


We will take the time to understand you and make a professional diagnosis of the real issues you face.  We will be clear about what you can achieve, but also what you can’t.


We will get your retirement strategy right without any unnecessary complexity.


No nonsense.  No over-engineered investment structures.  Just the advice you need.

Experts in Defined Benefit Super

We have extensive experience in providing specialist financial advice on defined benefits super schemes.


We understand the complexities of defined benefits super, especially the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), the Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS) and QSuper Defined Benefits.


We will make sure you understand your choices under the scheme, and help you maximise your benefit entitlements.

Specialists In Retirement 

We are retirement specialists.  It is all we do.


We understand that investing for retirement is different and that it requires a different approach.  You are more conservative as you approach retirement and the risks you face are different. 


Most people worry about running out of money in retirement.  We help keep you on track and match your investments with your expenditure so that you can enjoy a comfortable and sustainable retirement.


and Care

We take care to understand your challenges and what you are seeking to achieve.  We respect your previous decisions and help you make the most of your circumstances, whatever they may be.


We are conscious of respecting your vulnerabilities. You may be experiencing a major and stressful life change from resignation, redundancy, retirement, sale of small business, death of a spouse, or an accident.


And we are discrete.  We know that what is your personal business should stay your personal business.

Service Like

No Other 

We take the time to get things right.  At River City Financial Planning there is no clock watching, so we are free to go the extra mile if that is what it takes.


We are not owned by any financial institutions or super funds who might want to bias our advice. 


If we make a financial product recommendation we can choose from a broad range of products.  We have no ties with any product providers or super funds that may try to bias or limit our advice.


We provide advice on your entire circumstances, not just your super.


There are no hidden agendas. We are here to serve you and you alone.

Committed to our Local Community 

We are proud Queenslanders.  We have helped thousands of people in our local community plan for their retirement.  And we are committed for the long-term, building our lives and careers right here.


Our clients are like family to us.  That is why we take the time to get things right.  We are thorough and we don’t take short-cuts.


And that is why we are the financial planning firm that industry insiders refer their families and friends to. 


Local people who work in super and the broader retirement sector regularly choose to deal with River City Financial Planning over all other financial advisers.




07 3184 6870

admin at

Level 18, 239 George Street

Brisbane City, QLD 4000

PO BOX 12994 George Street Brisbane, QLD 4003 


ABN 45 614 250 001

Corporate Authorised Representative 1253525 of Fintegrity WeaIth Advisers Pty Ltd

ABN 89 653 321 487 | AFSL No: 534971


© 2020 River City Financial Planning Pty Ltd


All Photos on this website used with permission from © 2000 to 2022 Craig Godfrey All Rights Reserved.

General Advice Warning


The information contained within the website is of a general nature only. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material, Fintegrity Wealth Advisers Pty Ltd and River City Financial Planning will not bear responsibility or liability for any action taken by any person, persons or organisation on the purported basis of information contained herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no person, persons or organisation should invest monies or take action on reliance of the material contained herein but instead should satisfy themselves independently of the appropriateness of such action.

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